1. How can I place an order?
Please provide the details of your requirements as clear as possible. So we can send you the offer at the first time. For designing or further discussion, it is better to contact us with whatsapp /email /phone, in case of any delays.
2. What kind of display do we provide?
We have indoor/outdoor/mobile LED /rental LED display /LED stage/ Advertising LED display for you choose.
3. Why choose us?
Our led display has applied many countries in the world. Many countries have our projects.
Dongliang's led display unique advantage.
4. What service can we provide?
Reply your inquiry in 24 working hours.
We will be tracking your orders, from the pre-sale to the after-sale and also serve you in this process.
Our technical staff will be on your service. We can give you technology support at any time.
5. What is our slogan?
Creativity is our culuture, quality is our soul, sercvice is our key.
6. Explanation of trade terms?
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